#brazilian stuff
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blueteehood · 11 months ago
Ok. So. Muskrat (aka Elon Musk) decided it was a normal and reasonable idea to pick a fight with one of the Brazilian Supreme Court’s Ministers. Allow me to explain it.
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Context is essential here. Alexandre de Moraes* is the minister responsible for 2 ongoing extremely high profile cases against Brazilian democracy: the domestic terrorist attack in Brasilia in January 8th (yes, our own version of January 6th) and another one that investigates digital militias that are being accused of spread misinformation, hate speech and trying to diminish the legitimacy of our electoral process**.
During the course of those investigations (that have been going on for a few years) de Moraes has determined the suspension of social media accounts of some of the people being investigated. Among that, people who have claimed that ‘maybe nazism was fine, actually’ and a lot of other shit. And because of that, Muskarat is accusing the minister (and by extension, our Supreme Court) of censorship and attempting against Brazilian democracy. Because obviously he knows more about Brazilian Law than us mere Brazilians. 
Well, can de Moraes do that? Yes. Yes he can. Free speech is a constitutional right (art. 5º, IV) (unless you hide behind anonymity), but you know what else is determined by our constitution? That ANY attack to our fundamental rights or freedom is to be punished by law (art. 5º XLI) AND racism is a non-bailable and imprescriptible crime (art. 5º XLII). So no, YOU CANNOT say racist shit or things that go against Brazilian democracy, because the right to free speech is not an absolute right, there are plenty of exceptions to it (in the same article where it’s established, even). 
I guess it's kind of obvious, but let me make it clear: Elon Musk, famous for saying things that would be considered a CRIME according to Brazilian Law, is accusing our Supreme Court of “censoring” people that are being investigate exactly for using social media to commit crimes. 
I could go on a wild tangent here about how our Constitution is, notably and  historically, a product of our civil rights movement post 40 years of dictatorship, or how Brazilian Justice System is based on Civil Law while the American System is Common Law and there are fundamental differences on how they both work, or or I could go on a whole spiel about the social and political and ethical implications of some guy deciding he could wildly and publicly speculate about the works of a democratic country as if we didn’t have, you know, SOVEREIGNTY, but you know what? Fuck him. Brazil is not your goddamn back yard, Muskarat. We can take care of our own problems, fuck you very much. 
* There is a lot of shit going on in our Supreme Court, and I’m not here to defend Alexandre de Moraes from criticism.  Just, ya know, stating the obvious.
** Brazilians are very proud of the safety and speed of our electoral process
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blueteehood · 9 months ago
Non-academics: why is the government wasting so much money funding public universities
Academics [Brazil edition]: currently holding the second national strike in the decade to pressure our government to give universities money to buy toilet paper.
people who don't know anything about academics: man y'all are stuffy and boring what's up with that? actual academics: *too busy fist-fighting each other over the beryllium problem or the existence of a dentistry profession in ancient egypt to reply*
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cremanata · 6 months ago
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brazilian miku ♡
twitter | ig | patreon
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beforethepoison · 1 year ago
Eliza sounds amazing I’ll look her up
Elza? Oh she is great <3 I really recommend the songs Mulher do Fim do Mundo ( The Woman of the World's End)
"my crying is nothing but carnaval
is samba's tears in the tip toes
the crowd goes ahead like a gale
throws me into a avenue that I don't which is...
Pirate and Superman singing the heat
A yellow fish kisses my hand...
An angel wings in the floor
in the rain of confetti i leave my pain...
In the avenue I left there
The Black skin and my voice
In the avenue I left there
my speak, my opinion
my house, my solitute
I threw it from the top of the third floor
I broke my face (note from the tumblr owner* also this can means: I got let down) and got rid of the rest of my life
in the avenue endures till the end
woman of the world's end
I am, I am going to sing
until the end
to sing
She was a BIG survivor of the most big fucking tragedies of life. And she is a huge star. HUGE star. Long Live Elza Soares. ( I recommend her last albuns...That she made when she was like 80s to 90s ((!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))))))))))
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blueteehood · 2 years ago
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blueteehood · 1 year ago
In honor of Starbucks declaring bankruptcy in Brazil, the country that drinks more coffee than the rest of the world,  here is my ranking of Brazilian coffee options:
cafézinho: 10/10
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Our blessed little coffee or the small break coffee. Usually served as a courtesy after lunch in any restaurant. You can find this one literally anywhere in Brazil. Your office’s breakroom. Hospitals’ hallways. Literally any business that has a waiting room. The only place you won’t find it is in a dentist’s office for a matter of principle, I suppose. 
Café da cantina da escola: 10/10
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The coffee you find in school/colleges' cafeterias. Usually has more sugar than advised to serve to teenagers but that’s the point. Only costs R$ 1,00 to R$ 2,00 reais. Served in plastic cups so you can carry it around with you and hug it against your chest if you live in one of the four states that has a winter season. Kept me awake during many many boring classes.
Café no copo americano: 11/10
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The one from the bakery/bar closest to your home/school/job. This cup, called ‘american’ for industry history reasons, is a staple of Brazilian culture. Does it taste good? Honestly I don’t know but habit is a powerful thing. You’re gonna drink this coffee until the day you die and think it is the best thing ever. Bonus points if comes with a pão na chapa.
Café do metrô de São Paulo: 10000/10
Literally any coffee served in the metro stations in São Paulo. This coffee keeps Paulistas - and consequently, the whole country - one step further from total collapse.
Café com requeijão: 10/10
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(sorry that's the best image I could find but it's really good I promise)
It’s coffee. And then you cut small pieces of a special type of Brazilian cheese and add to it for a burst of flavor. Makes your intestines work like crazy. Popular in the northeast region of Brazil. Not for everyone.
Café da casa da vó: 100/10
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Your grandma’s coffee. She thinks you’re too thin. You’re not escaping her home anytime soon. The coffee is only an excuse for her to feed you. Must be served in the classic brown cup.
Café com leite: 10/10
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Half and half. Popular with kids. What do you mean kids aren’t supposed to drink coffee? 
Café mineiro com pão de queijo: 1000000000+/10
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Minas Gerais’ coffee served with cheese bread. If you come to Brazil and don’t experience this combo, what are you even doing with your life? What’s the purpose of your existence? You’re gonna think about this flavor until the day you die.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 5 months ago
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Brazilian Tree Hopper
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rovethings · 2 years ago
No but like more people should learn about Varginha's ET it's such a fucking funny story like. Sure it is by all means a small town conspiracy theory but like the brazilian army was SO brazilian about it and by that I mean they were so comedically incompetent you can't help but think yeah a couple of aliens definitely crashed in that small town in the middle of nowhere
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cafeleningrad · 1 month ago
i think my mom now thinks im whatever the equivalent of a weaboo but for brazil is
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julymarte · 7 months ago
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i am not immune to Miku ghyjuk couldn't settle on a design for italian miku so i whent with multiple 🍕
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
The casual affection, I'm going to throw up
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rawnarawnaculus · 6 months ago
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Jumping on the international miku trend late, but heres jawa miku in traditional clothes, i had to pull up my own dress for reference
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nenehyuuchiha · 4 months ago
He doesn't even need one, he's an honorary Brazilian already
What is brazils viewpoint on illegal immigrants. Do they deport?
In Brazil, all immigrants have the same rights to education, health and work, whether they are refugees or not.
There are also some ordinances that provide for residence authorization for some specific nationalities.
ex haiti, venezuela, syria, afghanistan
There are no illegal immigrants. they may be in an irregular situation in the country, that being, not have an appropriate documentation for their situation. To live regularly in Brazil, you must have a residence permit. Not having the right document does not make a person a criminal, as this infraction is administrative. They will be able to resolve this situation and then be allowed to reside in Brazil. (source in pt)
The Constitution prohibits the extradition of native Brazilians and foreigners convicted of political or opinion crimes. Naturalized Brazilians can only be extradited for common crimes committed before naturalization or in the case of drug trafficking.
Deportation, provided for in Law 13,445/2017, known as the Migration Law, consists of the compulsory removal of a person in an irregular migration situation in the country. It results from an administrative procedure and is preceded by personal notification with an express list of irregularities and a deadline for regularizing the situation, in order to avoid deportation.
Also provided for in the Migration Law, expulsion is an administrative measure of compulsory removal of a migrant or visitor from Brazilian territory and impediment of re-entry into the country, for a determined period. What can give rise to expulsion is conviction for genocide or crimes against humanity, war or aggression, as well as the commission of an intentional crime, when there is intent, punishable by imprisonment. (source in pt)
Brazil has progressive and open immigration laws that allow migrants and refugees to quickly receive regularized status and apply for formal employment.
(Source in english)
Ministry of justice will restringe entry of immigrants without visa (in Brazil) source in pt
that's all i could find. there was a rise in deportation during 2020 (covid), 26901 when in 2019 it was 36. it is not usual.
the only personal experience i can share is that a lot of haitians live here in my city after 2018 and a lot of venezuelans arrive constantly, some start living here. and yeah never heard of them being deported from here personally
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mxrtified777 · 4 months ago
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woagh a bunch of random shit from this weekend
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ruffledgloves · 6 months ago
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Bug sized thing
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blueteehood · 2 years ago
The 1988 Constitution is called "the Constitution of the people" [in a non literal translation] for a reason. And the reason is that the people had just gotten riden of military dictatorship
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